b'TECHNOLOGYCold processadhesive applied modifiedProcdfroidmembrane de bitume bitumen membrane systems modifi appliqueladhsifAdvantages of cold-applied modified bitumen roof systems FacileinstallerUndesavantagesquifacilitent Mitigating potential for fire related incidentsThe majorlinstallationestlarductiondumatrielncessairepar advantage of installing cold-applied modified bitumen systemsrapport aux systmes appliqus au chalumeau ou au guipon. would be the reduced potential for a fire related incident.La majeure partie du travail peut tre effectue avec des Environmental, health and safety issuesThere are cold- raclettes, des truelles, des balais ou du matriel de pulvrisa-applied systems available that are free of asbestos, flammabletion, qui peuvent aiderrduire les cots de main-duvre et solventsandodours.Hot-moppedsystemshavebeensimplifier le processus dinstallation.scrutinized in the past decade due to environmental issues. TheRductiondutempsdemontageetdedmontage concerns associated with these products are in the heated statedu matrielLe taux dapplication peut tre augment en and from exposure of the asphalt fumes that heat produces.raison du temps rduit pour installer et dmonter le matriel, More building owners and property managers are prohibitinget en mme temps en raison du mauvais fonctionnement du the use of kettles or hot-applied bitumen materials at theirmatriel, du temps dinactivit et de lattente dun chauffage facilities, including hospitals, schools and heavily populateddes matriaux dans les systmes appliqus au guipon.facilities. Cold-applied systems would eliminate most of theseFacilit de formation des travailleursGrcela facilit concerns and would allow for installation of the system whiledinstallation des systmes appliqusfroid, une formation the building remains occupied and operational.rapide et efficace au travail est possible, ce qui optimise le Ease of installationOne advantage that facilitates easetemps dinstallation. On peut aussi former des quipes moins of installation would be the reduction of equipment requirednombreuses.compared to torch-down or hot-mopped systems. The majorityManipulation des feuilles de membranes aprs linstal-of work can be completed with squeegees, trowels, brooms orlationEn raison du processus de durcissement des adhsifs spraying equipment, which may help to reduce labour costsappliqusfroid (pouvant durer jusqu 30 jours ou plus, and simplify the installation process. selon les conditions atmosphriques), les feuilles mal poses Reducedequipmentsetupandtakedowntimepeuventtrecorrigesouajustespendantleprocessus Application rates may be increased due to reduced time indinstallation, ce qui pourrait rduire les effets aprs-jours.setting up and taking down equipment, and also reduces timeles cots de rparation ou dentretien associsla rparation related to equipment malfunctions, idle time and waiting fordun systme hors chalumeau.proper material heating in hot-mopped systems. Zones dinstallation restreintesUn autre avantage des Ease of worker trainingDue to ease of installationsystmes appliqusfroid est quils peuvent tre accessibles with cold-applied systems, quick and efficient work training isdansdeszonesresserres.Lessecteursosetrouvent possible, optimizing installation time. Smaller crews may alsodimportantes quantits dquipements hors toit pourraient be required to install cold-applied systems. convenir pour les systmes appliqusfroid. Les travailleurs Manipulationofmembranesheetspostinstallationpeuvent avoir accsces zones encolles sans tre exposs Duetothecuringprocessforcold-appliedadhesivesaux risques lis au bitume chaud ou aux chalumeaux. Les 24 ROOFING CANADA FALL/WINTER 2020'